Para entender qu&233 es un motor el&233 ctrico, se debe conocer su funcionamiento espec&237 fico, ya que utiliza la corriente continua como la corriente alterna para la ejecuci&243 n de los movimientos rotatorios que, son generados por el campo magn&233 tico y por la inducci&243 n electromagn&233 tica, que se ejerce en el interior del motor con los avances tecnol&243 gicos se ha logrado aumentar el. Keyboard Navigation (Motor) Use the website with the keyboard.
...See your Ford or Lincoln Dealer for complete details and qualifications. If you need additional information concerning the A/Z Plans, please refer back to your A/Z Plan Pricing website for complete details.A/X/Z Plan pricing, including A/X/Z Plan option pricing, is exclusively for eligible Ford Motor Company employees, friends and family members of eligible employees, and Ford Motor Company eligible partners. Contact your local dealer to determine their level of participation in the program and final vehicle pricing.What happens if I close this site before I'm finished?If you close your window or tab, you must re-access the site through the A/Z Plan Pricing website to ensure that all eligible plan pricing is visible.